Monday, March 8, 2010


Isn't it ironic that I am posting about sickness after Bailey's well check-up. Absolutely not! It is totally expected when you take your perfectly well child, in great health, who has NEVER been sick, to a germ-infested pediatrician's office.

On another amusing note, when we went to Bailey's well check-up on Friday they told me I needed to fill out some paperwork to update their files. That meant I had to put my child down in the waiting area to TOUCH the toys (because she is going to do that at fifteen months) while I filled out paperwork that had not changed since the last time I was there. My Mom made a great point when she said that doctors should make house visits for well check-ups. I couldn't agree more!!!

Enough of my soapbox. Onto the matter at hand. My child has never been sick. I have never had to deal with any child throwing up or having diarrhea that smelled like death. I am very NEW to all of this. But this is how it all started. Saturday I went to the grocery store around 2pm and left Bobby and Bailey in the sand box on the patio. I wasn't gone an hour. When I was bring the groceries into the kitchen I noticed they were not on the patio. I walked in the bathroom and Bobby had Bailey in the bath?! Why is she getting a bath at 3pm? Surely you knew to shake the sand off of her! And he did. Bobby proceeded to tell me the awful stomach pains she was having and then she blew out in her diaper. it was a blowout. She wasn't acting any different and she hadn't pooped that day anyways. No worries. We finish our evening with a great dinner, play for a little while and then go to bed. Bailey usually gets up once during the night for breastfeeding but did not get up Saturday night. I got up around 6:45am and heard her moving. I made my coffee and went to get her to breastfeed with all intentions of putting her back to bed until around 9am. I never expected what would happen next. I walked in to her room and was hit by a smell that was all to familiar. SICKNESS!! It smelled like vomit. I quickly ran over to her crib to find vomit up one end of the bed and down the other. It was in her hair, it covered her new pajamas and it coated the bumper.

This violence went on from both ends all day yesterday. Every time we would give her some rice or banana it would come up with in five minutes. Much to our surprise she breastfed last night before bed and in the middle of the night with no problems. But at 5:45am it struck again. She has thrown up four times since then. I have been trying to blog this for the past three hours. She fell asleep in my arms just a short bit ago. I am doing the best I can to keep her hydrated but I do have my fears. This morning she seemed vibrant after each vomit like she was grateful to get it out. But the last vomit was bile and since then she has been laying on the floor. I have called the doctor and hopefully will get some answers.

Sidebar....Bobby said he was going to go into work today and quickly get things done and leave because he wanted to be home with his little girl. I almost cried but told him I have everything under control. Although right now with the vomit laundry, a sick little girl, work to do and house that is showing at 1:30pm is becoming a stress.

I would have loved to capture "the mess" yesterday in her bed but was trying to get her in the shower and clean her off. Below is a picture of the first load from her bed. This was followed by four more loads yesterday and two today so far. In the midst of all of this she still has the energy to say cheese for the camera.

This next picture is this morning!!! Definitely a difference in how she feels today verses yesterday!! PITIFUL!

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