Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Yesterday was a cloudy, rainy, snowy, busy day! That is a lot of adjectives to descibe one day but when the day was over we were exhausted. We showed the house twice yesterday and had a samll window of opportunity to come back home in between showings so I could shower and Bailey could hang out of a little bit.

I had recently purchased little fuzzy balls to put in my craft closet. I like to buy things on sale and store them for a rainy day for crafts and something fun and different to do. Of course most of the things I buy are for when Bailey gets older and can glue and cut with scissors. I was trying to think of something idfferent to give her to do and remembered the fuzzy balls. She is really good about NOT putting things in her mouth that don't belong so I figured it would be fine for her to play with them. I put them in a big cup and handed them to her. For the rest of the day, as we were in and out of the house, she had a blast!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I absolutely love this! I've seen them but never thought to get them lol. I've figured out that I'm going to have to start stocking up as well b/c there are many days I wished I had something different to do. Thanks for the idea!