Monday, March 29, 2010


Back in December I blogged about the quilt my Granny made me for Christmas. Well my friends I am blogging again about a quilt. This time it is Bailey's quilt!!! My Granny started working on my sister's quilt after the holidays and had extra squares left over from hers and my quilt. She sure enough made her great-granddaughter a quilt! It is so beautiful. We picked it up when we went to see them yesterday.

Today I opened the quilt to take pictures. Low and behold Bailey comes running in the living room to sit on her quilt. I thought I might as well get pictures of her posing with her quilt! What a ham. When I began to fold the quilt up she got very upset. I told her we were going to take it into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom and lay it out so Mommy could work while she played. The minute I layed the quilt out Bailey started rounding up pillows to lay on it. We had to keep it out all day today. Literally EVERY TIME I went to fold it she came over and said "DOWN!". Bahahaha! Thank you, Granny for all of your hard work and labor! She will cherish this forever!


The Tranthams said...

That is such a beautiful quilt and Bailey sure is growing up! She is beautiful as well! What memories you are making!

Unknown said...

So Jealous...I think she really made that for me... :)

Amber Medlin said...

Stef - You just wait! Motherhood is the most amazing and humbling job on this planet!

Kara - I am so glad you don't live close to me because I honestly think my quilts would go missing! Hahaha!!! J/K