Monday, March 1, 2010


I bought these bath time crayons at Target the other day. I am very OCD when it comes to making a mess. I am trying to ease up on that with a toddler running around. It is going to happen so deal with it, right?! But I do try to have boundaries. I figured it would be fun to have her color on the walls of the shower because there is really no limit of space (meaning she doesn't have to worry about going off a tiny sheet of paper onto the countertop). She loves it. It has been fun watching her color the walls. I was a skeptic at first, but it wipes off VERY easily. Now, every time she gets in the bath she says "crayons".


Unknown said...

awww thats very cute... i was also thinking about getting those but was worried about the mess... i think I will try those for Lincoln now!

The Keever's said...

I love all the bath paints and crayons!! Totally planning on investing in some of those down the road.