Saturday, March 13, 2010


Since last Saturday when Bailey got sick it has been a week for the books. Her schedule for sleeping is off, she wakes up two and three times a night, she wants to eat at odd hours and then doesn't. She still has horrible diarrhea! All I can keep thinking is "This too shall pass". I can't wait. Last night I was so irritated that I told Bobby not go and get her. She needed to scream it out. Eventually she got quiet but within an hour she was back to screaming. I know she has been sick, but my fear is that she is starting to adjust to this whacky schedule. It's not even a schedule really.

Please help me pray that my daughter and husband get their appetites back. My husband looks as if he has already lost twenty pounds. And if it weren't for breastfeeding, Bailey would have lost more weight than she already has. Bailey tried to eat a normal meal last night for dinner. She started screaming towards the end and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I get her out of her high chair and she went over in the corner and "blew out"!!! POOR THING.

Schedule, schedule, schedule!!!!!!!


Sara said...

O my goodness that must be somekind of virus! I'll definitely pray for you guys. The scheduling thing is hard b/c they tend to get used to us comforting them at odd hours of the night and it's like you have to train them all over again. It can be frustrating but hang in there!

Becky said...

You're doing a great job...hang in there. Amber, you're such a smart, organized woman...things may be wacky for a while, but God's given you everything you need for this situation. Hall House is praying for the Medlins!