Saturday, February 27, 2010


Bailey is growing so fast. It is so hard to keep up with and record everything she is doing. Everyday something new happens. She is becoming very active and more curious now that she has hit the toddler stage. I can't believe my baby is a little over fifteen months.

I am going to attempt to list words that she is saying on a regular basis. We are very consistent working with her on names of family members and everyday words to communicate but there are some words that she can say much better than others. She pronounces her "c" words with "t". And she has trouble with "g". She is really good with her "w". Mama, Dada, eat, boo boo, baby, Bailey, mail, bath, hot, hat, hair, knee, elbow, toes, ear, eye, eyeball, nose, mouth, teeth, shoulder, feet, shoes, clothes (with a "t"), shirt, sit, pants, down, up, out, bubbles, fish, cat (with a "t"), dog, bear, open, water, more, please, thank-you, pop-tart, cracker, truck, car, food, beans, pizza, blueberries, pancakes (pantates), pillow, duck, horse, happy birthday, Jesus, Mimi, Pops, Ashy, Adam, Natty, Nana, "D" for Daniel, Will, Lilly, Ava, Paw-Paw, socks, phone, hello, hi, bye, Bible, Fifi, Barney, spoon.....ok really, I didn't realize how many words she actually says. I am stopping right here because the list goes on and on. Put it this way, she can copy everything you say and do!!!

Bailey's teeth are coming in quick. She has eight full teeth (four on top and four on bottom) in the front. But all four "eye" teeth or "fang" teeth have already broken thru all the way. She also has a molar on the left side of her mouth. Altogether thirteen teeth. Wow!!! She is cutting another molar on her right side. Talk about drool!!! She has had a clear, runny nose and drool for the past two weeks from teething. This has been a challenge. She chews on her pointer fingers ALL day long. Yesterday I decided to put my finger in her mouth on the side where she is cutting a molar so she could give her finger a break. She loved it. It was quite funny. She got the biggest grin on her face and continued to chew.

Peanut butter has become an obsession with my child. Every time I open my pantry, whether she is in the kitchen with me or in another room, she comes running in there and literally shoves me out of the way and grabs the peanut butter jar, looks at me and says "peet but". Hahaha! Then she goes to her drawer to pull out a spoon. Just today I had given her some peanut butter and she went and got the jar and brought it to me and said "more please". At least it is organic! She loves peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwiches for lunch. She also loves Late July saltine crackers. We will give her one and before she has even had it in her hand for two seconds she wants another one. We have to tell her she has to finish that cracker first and then she will get another one. She immediately crams it in her mouth and reaches for another one. It always makes me laugh.

We are so blessed to have such a vibrant, active girl. She is very balanced. I am praying this continues thru toddlerhood! Especially with her sharing. She loves to share right now. Her favorite to share with is her life-sized tiger. Everything she gets, whether it is a cracker or her cup of water, she shares it with her tiger. She puts the cracker in his mouth and turns the cup for him to drink. It is so precious.

I could go on and on but I'll save it for a different post. My baby is growing up! :(

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow she does say a lot of words! Sounds like you could just have a conversation with her and she'd understand you. That's so cute about her sharing things with her tiger. This will come in handy for baby day! =)