Sunday, February 21, 2010


Where has the time gone? I have been really great about blogging but now that our house in on the market it has become crazy!!! I have been so wrapped up in cleaning, meeting with our realtor, Bailey's swim lessons & looking through magazines on designs for our new home that I haven't even thought about the computer. There's a first.

I am so anxious to sell our house. But I know my prayer needs to be what God's will is for our family. We truly feel like God is directing our path. He is already blessing us beyond belief. From places to live after our home sells to helping me manage my time and balance my relationships with my husband and Bailey while maintaining a spotless home.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. These next two weeks will be a test of the weeks to come with our home. We pray that people will get there feet in the door and realize what a great deal they will actually be getting! PRAY BIG!!!


Kara Wright said...

I will be praying all this week that it sells really really fast!

Becky said...

Sounds like you've got some really exciting things going on. I've been thinking about you and praying for you as you have started the "house for sale" adventure. Can't wait to hear more.