Monday, February 1, 2010


Everybody has specific terms for pottying that they teach their children. Bobby and I are those parents who have not wanted to teach anything slang to Bailey so we used words my parents used with us when we were little. When you pass gas you either "fluff" or "bust buttons". If Bailey has a dirty diaper we call it a "shoo shoo" (I don't think that is how you spell it, but I never have to write it so for you English majors, get over it) or "stinky". Now that we have clarified the terms I will proceed to tell our story.

Last night we got home from Mimi and Pop's house around 7pm. We had gone over to play in the snow. When we got there, I had to change Bailey before she could play because she had a "stinky". We did the same before we left their house. Her normal is three stinkies in a day, but we had not fed her dinner until we got home. Therefore she did not have a third stinky.

Bobby prepared Bailey's bath and put her in the tub. They were playing and having a good ol' time. I always go into the bathroom about half way through bathtime to give Bailey her liquid vitamins and play also. She was very busy last night. Her new thing in the bath tub is to lay on her stomach with her head poking out of the water and slide from one end of the tub to the other. Last night she was doing this and then decided to stand up. She walked to the edge of the tub where I was sitting and "busted buttons". Then she looked at me and said "shoo shoo". I looked at Bobby and said "Wouldn't that be funny if she really pooped instead of passed gas. She must just be saying shew because it stinks or something. I don't think she understands the difference yet." Bobby looked at her and then looked at me and said "Uhhhh yeah....She knows the difference." Poor thing really was doing a "shoo shoo" right in the bath tub. We quickly scooped her up and cleaned her up. The funny thing was she stood up to do it. I know it is gross to some of you, but it is really quite funny to bobby and me. It is just another story we can tell about her to embarass her when she is a teenager!! Ha!! My mom did it to us!! I love watching my little one grow. What a blessing!!!


Sara said...

Busting buttons: I love that! I'll have use that term haha. Cute story!

Ashley Smyth said...

I remember when Adam took a stinky in the tub while we were taking a bath...only he was old enough to know not to do it and he thought it would be funny...meanie.

The Keever's said...

haha That's great! And now there's a whole group of people to remind her of this later on down the road... ;-)