Sunday, February 7, 2010


In my last post I may have come across to harsh when I mentioned the whining and screaming children in Bailey's swim class. I ,in no way, meant to offend anybody and will choose my words more wisely next time. The intention of my blog is to document what goes on in Bailey's life so I have a compilation of written stories to share with her when she is older.

For the child screams and cries until she breaks out in hives when I drop her off at her class at church. I am very sure that the workers cringe every time I walk through the double doors. They end up calling my number EVERY time and week by week I spend quality time in the lobby watching the TV and letting Bailey run around. Hopefully this is just a season. However, this season has lasted quite a long time. PRAYER!

1 comment:

Kara Wright said...

You go girl... keep at it! The season will pass! You're a GREAT mom!