Monday, February 8, 2010


I think it is so neat how God works in our lives. Today my devotional reading came from 2 Peter 3:1-9. The devotional was talking about how this world is at such a fast pace and how we can sometimes get caught up with that pace and wonder why God seems so slow. God is just trying to teach us patience. Everything is in His timing.

While this was a great devotional I messed up with my reading this morning. I accidentally read 1 Peter 3:1-9 instead of 2 Peter. Let's just say that once again God is confirming submission to my husband. Lately I have been really frustrated at Bobby's eating habits. I just want my WHOLE family to be healthy and Bobby doesn't eat vegetables or fruit. Instead of being quiet about it I become verbal and completely irritated with him. This happened yesterday when I cooked some baked chicken for all of us. He put the chicken in a bag after Bailey and I had ours on our plates and began to get out another pan to make FRIED chicken nuggets that are processed. I wasn't happy. But this attitude is WRONG! Peter says to submit to your own husbands.....that they may be won without a word but instead by the behavior of their wives. He says to let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and QUIET spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.

Wow!!! To some women this is translated about winning their husbands to Christ. My husband is a Christian so this passage spoke to me in a totally different way! God doesn't want me to be angry with my body language or my words. Instead he wants me to be encouraging and find things that work for Bobby. Because one day that will be rewarded and my husband will take notice.

I find it amazing that God's timing is impeccable. He knows the very longing of our hearts. And He knows how to speak to us through His word and to give us wise counseling. For me it isn't about God changing my husbands eating habits, it's about God changing MY heart!!!

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