Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cortizone Shot

Yesterday I finally made it to the orthapedic about my thumb and wrist. Ever since my break back in 2001 i thought everything was ok until I had Bailey. Everything got worse, tight, and painful. So the verdict is......I have alot of scar tissue from where the break and re-break is. It is very common in pregnant women to develope tendonitis in their wrists. Mine is a little worse due to the scar tissue. The quick fix was a cortizone shot. did not feel good and needles don't even bother me. When your doctor is about to stick the needle in and says "You are going to feel a pop and crunch as the needle makes its way thru the scar tissue", you feel a little uneasy. My wrist hurt like the dickens yesterday but some of the pain is subsiding as of this morning. I have heard you have to give it a good 2 to 3 days. Whatever!!! If this doesn't work then they will do surgery and cut the tendon to relieve the pressure. Pray God's will for my hand. I don't mind the surgery if it prevents me from having to go in every other month to get a shot. However, I would have to be out of commission for 3 days (at least). That just doesn't sound feasible for a breastfeeding mom!!!! So we will pray God's will. The only reason I would opt to go ahead and have the surgery and not wait is the fact that I have already met my deductible on our insurance and it would be nice to not have to pay for the surgery....haha! We will see!!!

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