Staying at home might not be such a good idea for someone who loves doing new things! About a month ago my wheels started turning about certain things in the house. Particularly our floors/carpet. Our carpet is 5 1/2 years old and in bad condition. I had new carpet put in in the living room 3 weeks ago. Now I am having the old hardwoods (ugly) pulled up in the dining room and foyer and the carpet pulled up in the halls and having new hardwoods put down. I figured this would be better for children and wear and tear!! Easier to clean also!!! So we started on that and I figured I really wanted a shower instead of a tub/shower combo in the master bath. I know I want another child and being pregnant and stepping over a garden tub didn't really work out (I am really short, also). I also wanted a handheld shower head so i could wash the shower easier. These days it's all about what is easier to clean. HA! If I change the shower then I need a new top. Where does it end? Oops! No, I am really excited. I will be more excited when it is complete though. But then it got me thinking. I really need to get new carpet in our bedroom. Actually, I would like hardwoods, but we are waiting for that. Maybe after everything settles down and we make it thru the summer I might put that on the "honey do" list! I will post before and after pictures once everything is done. I have asked for it to be finished by Mother's Day! My husband and Daddy can do anything! I know they will have it done....wink, wink. Too bad they don't read this blog. Ha!
Oh yeah....My brother has been coming out to cut my yard (GrassMasters rocks) and told me I need to add a couple of natural areas to my yard. So that is another project. POOR BOBBY! I think we are waiting until the fall because I don't want to plant trees in this heat! So he gets a summer break. Come on somebody!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Spending time with Mimi!!!
I can't believe the warm weather that is about to engulf us. I am talking about the summer weather!! Mid to upper 80's.....HOT!!! I love warm weather but not a big fan of hot weather unless the pool is a decent temperature (meaning not toooo cold). Yesterday we took advantage of the beautiful weather outside. Bailey and I packed up and went to Mimi's (my Mommy) for the day. It started out with a trip to K-Mart before we got to Mimi's. We were looking for a walker that Bailey could use in Mimi and Pop's driveway. The problem is that my child is so short no walker works. I thought I had found the perfect walker. They didn't have a display but I just knew it would work because it said 4 months and older. It was an old school walker!! So when we got to my Mom's we put it together. Low and behold she is too short for it!!! Go figure. We decided to put her in her stroller and get some much needed exercise. We walked and walked and walked. Bailey napped. Must be nice to be a baby. I wish I could remember those days where my Mom would stroll me and all I would have to do is sit there. Ahhhhhhh!!! The life. After we walked and ate we laid a big quilt down in some shade and played. It was a fun and special time. Mimi got to spend some quality time with Bailey and me. What a great day!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cortizone Shot
Yesterday I finally made it to the orthapedic about my thumb and wrist. Ever since my break back in 2001 i thought everything was ok until I had Bailey. Everything got worse, tight, and painful. So the verdict is......I have alot of scar tissue from where the break and re-break is. It is very common in pregnant women to develope tendonitis in their wrists. Mine is a little worse due to the scar tissue. The quick fix was a cortizone shot. did not feel good and needles don't even bother me. When your doctor is about to stick the needle in and says "You are going to feel a pop and crunch as the needle makes its way thru the scar tissue", you feel a little uneasy. My wrist hurt like the dickens yesterday but some of the pain is subsiding as of this morning. I have heard you have to give it a good 2 to 3 days. Whatever!!! If this doesn't work then they will do surgery and cut the tendon to relieve the pressure. Pray God's will for my hand. I don't mind the surgery if it prevents me from having to go in every other month to get a shot. However, I would have to be out of commission for 3 days (at least). That just doesn't sound feasible for a breastfeeding mom!!!! So we will pray God's will. The only reason I would opt to go ahead and have the surgery and not wait is the fact that I have already met my deductible on our insurance and it would be nice to not have to pay for the surgery....haha! We will see!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Memaw and Bailey

Today would have been Memaw's 90th birthday!!! She is having a way better celebration in heaven than she would have here!!! I can only imagine her sitting with PawPaw at Jesus' feet having a good ol' time!!!
Bailey is also 5 months old today. My how time flies!!! I am constantly looking back at her newborn photo shoot and feeling like it has been ages ago since she was that tiny. She has been a piece of work today! I think she knows she is getting bigger so she has to show more of that dominate personality!!! She is still adjusting to her routine after a busy day Saturday with Memaw's funeral and lots of fun with our extended family. She was in her element with all of the children. I guess you know what that means.....she wants some siblings. Hahahaha...I wonder if Bobby reads this blog :)
So lately I have been having some serious problems with my wrist I broke 7 years ago playing field hockey. I actually broke it in three places and now it has a knot and I can't extend three of my fingers without being in a substantial amount of pain. I am going to the Hand Center tomorrow to have them take a look at it. My prayer is that it can be fixed. The good thing is that Mimi gets to watch Bailey and keep her all to herself with no one trying to steal her (that includes me also....I can't get enough of my boobear)!
Hope you enjoy the few pictures I posted of this weekend with the family. What a precious time!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Special times!
Yesterday my memaw (great-grandmother) passed away. Memaw lived to be a wonderful 89 years old. She was ready to be with Jesus. Bailey and I decided to go and be with the family. At first I was skeptical about taking Bailey. With her constant spit up and a house full of friends and family, I worried that she would be exhausted and fussy. I called Bobby at work and asked him to pray fervently for a good visit and for Bailey to be relaxed and happy. WOW! God is sooo amazing. Everyday I see how he answers our prayers.
Our visit was amazing. Bailey got to play with her cousins all day long. She didn't spit up much and took a wonderful nap on her mommy for about 45 minutes. Just enough to get her refueled and ready to play with the kids again. The visit was so refreshing and much needed. We were able to spend time in sweet fellowship with our family. I left there so excited about Memaw's celebration of her life on Saturday. Excited because I get to bring my daughter around well-behaved, Godly children who absolutely love all over her. What a joy!
This truly is a SPECIAL time in our lives. God is showing me how important it is to "let go and let God". He is constantly saying "It's ok, Amber. I am never going to give you anything you can't handle". It's been hard to let go being a new Mommy. I have a hard time wondering what people will think of my child. But God has showed me that if I put my faith and trust in Him, that he will bless my family beyond belief.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Learning to blog...for real!!!

Wow! It's been a while. Things have completely changed since the last blog nearly 7 months ago. I am slowly but surely getting the hang of the blogging. I enjoy reading everyone else's that I never seem to make the time to work on mine.
So Bailey will be 5 months old on Monday, April 20th. It is amazing how fast she is growing. I can't believe she is a month away from being half of a year old! They truly grow up quickly. She is starting to develope her strong personality. And yes, she has a strong one. The one thing that she absolutely loves doing is growling with her mouth open as wide as possible. It is absolutely adorable. She also likes to chew on her foam letters that we put in the bathtub. If and when she drops the letter she pitches a fit. HA! I love getting her up in the mornings and nap time. She is in her crawl position everytime I walk in her room and she just looks at me with those big, navy blue eyes and grins.
I love being a mommy so much that I am very ready to have another one!!! I am still soley breastfeeding Bailey so I don't know if I can necessarily get pregnant right now. Bobby is still trying to adjust to the fact that I want another one so badly. It's amazing to go from no children to "let's have another one right now"!!! Maybe when Bailey starts experimenting with food. The doctor said she was gaining plenty of weight on breastmilk so we didn't even need to toy with the thought until she goes in for her six month check up. She might possibly continue to breastfeed after her six month if she is still growing like a weed!!! It is so rewarding.
Well, I think this is a good start for the first blog. I will update regularly with pictures!
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