Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh the insanity.....

I need to vent! Is there ever a time where you just can't get motivated to save your life? I have piles of laundry to fold, bathrooms to clean and a bedroom that looks like a tornado went thru it. I want sooooo badly to clean but find it hard to clean and play and play and clean. It's like I need a weekend of nothing but cleaning. Hmmmmmm?! That would be great. The sad thing is even if Bobby volunteered to watch Bailey upstairs while I cleaned I would feel obligated to go and play and entertain. I think it is about time to bite the bullet and just do it. No excuses, no questions....just get the work done. I think I would feel alot better. I also need a food plan. I tried this with dinners after Bailey was born. It worked for two weeks and then I ran out of groceries and didn't feel like going to the grocery store to load the cart. Does it sound like I am lazy? I am not a very productive person. And right now while Bailey is napping I could be cleaning a bathroom. Oh...then I have to stop when she wakes up and the job is only half done and I am suppose to get motivated when I have another minute. Give me a break. Once I get this mess of a house clean IT WILL STAY CLEAN. It's just getting there! Fiddledeedee!


Kara Wright said...

Girl, I feel the same way and I ain't got no kids!

Unknown said...

I def understand the feeling. Take the time with your kid. thats the way i feel its way more important and you can clean when she sleeps!