Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Ecclesiastes 9:10-18.

I can be sure that I get caught up in the outwarrd appearance sometimes. Isn't that what the world wants? Sad. Today the focus of an evil world seems to be on wealth, attractiveness and success. Our twisted and unfair (and ungodly) world allows the wise to go hungry and the intelligent unrewarded. Yet, Solomon states that WISDOM is above all strength. WISDOM is not always heard, but wisdom that comes from God will outlast any of the rich and attractive in this lifetime.

Be wise in the Lord. Seek His hand in everything you do. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus." Are you seeking Godly wisdom. I pray that God will allow me to seek Him and allow me to dwell on His word to become a woman of wisdom. For that far outweighs what the world around me is telling me!!! Thank you God for giving us the opportunity to draw close to you!

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