Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ecclesiastes 8.

There is alot going on in this chapter, but a couple of verses that jumped out and spoke to me as a parent. In verse 10 Solomon is talking about the evil. When one dies the evil he has done is quickly forgotten and praises are raised to him in the city. Verse 11 says that because the sentence against him was not executed quickly, that his sons are given fully to do evil.

This quickly reminded me of my parenting. Last night Bobby, Bailey and I were up in the bonus room playing and watching some football. Bailey is at the age now where she knows what "NO" means but might not quite comprehend the "WHY?" behind it.  I asked her not to play with the phone base or I would have to spank her (she knows what this means). She looked at me then looked at the phone and walked over and smacked the phone off the base. Immediately the sinner in me wanted to burst out laughing. But I told her what would happen and I needed to follow through with my action or she WILL do it again. I spanked her leg and she got upset and walked away from the phone shaking her head no.
As parents, it is our duty to discipline our children just as Christ disciplines us.

We are all sinners. And we will all be disciplined at some point by God. Just because we do not get "spanked" immediately for our actions doesn't mean we can continue to live our sinful lives. We should not think God doesn't care about what we are doing. He has a perfect time for everything and Judgement Day will come.

1 comment:

Kara Wright said...

Preach it girl! I have dreams about spanking my own kids... and considering the fact that I don't even have any yet... that's scary!