Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yesterday was a whirlwind. We had a couple around our age (maybe younger) look at our home last Thursday while Bailey and Bobby were trying to get over being sick. I made sure everything was clean and we sat in our car in the neighbor's driveway while the potential buyers looked at our home. At one point the guy walked outside to his car, picked up his camera & took it back inside. The next day we received feedback from the realtor that the couple had narrowed down their search to two homes on the Clayton area and one of them was ours. WOW! We weren't expecting that. The real estate agent was going to do a market analysis and get back with us by Tuesday (yesterday).  I honestly didn't think much of it until Monday night when our real estate agent called us. He wanted to let me know that he was pretty sure we were going to get an offer on Tuesday because he had just gotten off the phone with their real estate agent asking tons of questions.

You can imagine how I was yesterday. I have never done this before so I was anxious to see how things were going to play out. Bobby and I had already discussed that we were not going to go under a certain amount. Bobby called around 12:15pm to ask if I had heard anything and I said no. The minute I hung up the phone my real estate agent called to tell me we had an offer. He gave me the breakdown and I said no way and counter-offered. They immediately came back and counter-offered again. Their counter-offer was the price we said we would take and go no lower. WE ACCEPTED! The papers have been drawn up and now we and buyer have to sign them and get this home under contract. They want to close no later than April 29th but they are pushing for April 15th now. Are you kidding me?! Amazing.

At this point I am coming to grips with the fact that I am moving. Don't get me wrong. I want to move closer to work. It is just overwhelming. I don't know why? Maybe because I have never had a big move like this or maybe because I have to pack everything?! But we have lived here for the first six years of our life together and brought our baby to this home. God is so good and I can't wait for this journey he is about to take us on. My prayer is that he gives me a peace in packing and he lights a fire under me.

YAY! We are moving!!!

1 comment:

Kara Wright said...

Yay!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!