Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Oh my goodness. Bailey amazes me more and more each day. This little girl is just bursting at the seams to start talking full sentences. The "jibbering" has got me in stitches everyday. But now she can almost repeat every word you say. She is trying to work on her "C's". Everytime she says something that starts with a "c" it ends up coming out of her mouth with the "t" sound. So cup is tup. And Clay (my friend) is Tay.

Ever since she was two weeks old Daddy and Mommy have always sung the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" to Bailey. She also hears it on "Your Baby Can Read" everyday.  Now she is singing it by herself with ALL of the motions. She has had every motion down for quite sometime except "shoulders". Now she goes around saying "shoulders" all day and holding her shoulders. She is very proud of her shoulders.

Her new word this week is "ELBOW". Funny and random word, right? Well, this is a word on her video and she has really picked up on it. Last night in the bathtub she would stand up and come over and grab either mine or Bobby's elbow and say "elbow". This word is as plain and clear as a sunny day. I don't know why this gets me so tickled. Maybe because you don't see many fourteen month olds running around and shouting elbow.

Bobby was playing hide and seek with her when he got home from work last night. Every time he would hide she would look at me, throw her arms out and say "Doooeeeee?" Translation: "Where'd he go?" So stinkin' cute.

I count my blessings everyday for the ability to stay home and watch my child grow right before my very eyes. I am very fortunate to be able to work from home and never want to take it for granted. I would hate to miss all the fun and new things Bailey does everyday!!!

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

Your little girl is so adorable! I happened upon your blog tonight and our girls are only 4 days apart! (and they have the same crib bedding :) What a sweetie!